Thursday, October 30, 2008

Voting is Closed: Winners annonwnst at Midnite PDT!

***Winners announced at 11:59pm PDT on Halloween***

Wich of theeze finulists will win?

Minchie as the Donald:

Kaze as Audrey Hepburn:


Fuifui Moimoi

(back to the 50s pumpkin):


Samoa as Snow White and Violet as Doc
(part of a group entry:)


Adan and Lego:

Daisy the CC

Rabbie Burns:






Sparky Fuzzypants:



Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Samantha "Doodle Bug" Black

I tried to get out of the costume wearing FUN (not), but MOM forced me to anyway! I don't growl, like Mr. Tigger so here I am in all my Doodle Bug finery! Don't ya think I make a cute one?? Your FL furiend,
Samantha Black from Life From A Cat's Perspective

Here I am as a Sleeping Doodle Bug!
Here I am as Mad Doodle Bug!
Here I am as a Get Me Out Of This Costume Already Doodle Bug!

Mr. Tigger Rebels

This is the Costume Mr. Tigger from Life From A Cat's Perspective was suppose to wear this year, but he put up such a hissy fit! He even growled at MOM!! So he ended up with a Blingee instead! Much safer to do says Mom!

Mr. Tigger's Halloween
Glitter Graphics

Florida Pumpkin Patch Squillions

Hi we are Oliva(L), Sammy-too and Star(R) and we live at As The Squillion World Spins! We think our Pumpkin Patch has a lot of strange creatures lurking around!! Sammy-too is a Daisy Fairy! Happy Halloween!

I'm bad

You know it.

Not just a costume.

Emily Stephens

Drunk Frog

I hate Halloweens.

No, really.

Eliot Stephens


I was my favoritest thing ever to chase - I'm a LADY BUG! This also works because I am a pink LADY and I like to BUG my brofurs! I'm gonna go chase myself around now!

See my CUTE head-horn-thingies!!!

Abbie Stephens

Charlie the Red Devil Squillion and Friends

I'm Charlie the Squillion and I live with China Cat.
China Cat told me that squillions are eligible to enter this year's Halloween Contest! I was so excited that I rushed over to our Halloween Costume Box and found my Red Devil Costume. Normally I am a ginger tabby squillion but look at me now... I am a Red Devil with long black hair, a natty bow-tie and a long red tail!
I called over to Sadie Katie, who is Willow's squillion to find a costume for the contest. She found a most excellent witch's costume to wear and I think she looks very witchy, indeed! Then we gathered around the table with our friend, BC the Magical Black Cat and all three of our wooden cat friends. We lit the Halloween tree and had such a time telling spooky stories. We were even joined by three gargoyles and some brilliantly colored spiders. We hope that everyone has a magical Halloween like we are having!
(You can click the pic to biggify if you want to see the party better!)
China Cat shares her blog with me at
and Willow shares hers with Sadie Katie at
Happy Halloween to Everyone!


This is not what I meant when I said I wanted to be a woofie for Halloween.

Percy Stephens

Queen Snickers & Renna


Twins! Yes don't we just look so much alike? (eye rolls)
Queen Snickers resides at the Royal Kitties and Renna rolls around here!
{mutters Queen Snickers} I can't believe I had to dress like you for Halloween this year! How stupid!

Ferris The Feral Cat Crusader

Ferris The Feral Cat Crusader! Ferris, a very manly mancat, is fighting the good fight for feral cats everywhere. When he is not crusading for ferals he is hunting lizards on his back porch. You can visit Ferris at The Real Cats.

Cosette Channels a Fashion Guru!!!

Greetings and Salutations EveryKittie!!!

This is Cosette, and she was just adopted by us at The Kiaton Empire this week!!!
She's been learning about the internets and the CB as well. Since we were all trying on costumes for the Halloween Contest, Cosette wanted find  a costume and enter too!!! We all decided she would look puffect as our good furriend Skeezix the Cat!!! So we got her some cool shades and a feathery pink boa!! We think she posed very well!

Happy Halloween Every Kiaton!!!!!

~ The Kiaton Empire

Hippie Kittie iz MOD!!!!!

Me iz da Hippie Kittie!!!! Da Ladee sez I iz a go go girl frum da 70s, so I guess I iz, wut do ya'll think? Iz I Groovy?

I sometimes can be seen visitating on The Kiaton Empire and I haz Catster too!

Rossetti Demands Temp Tae Shunz!!!!

Avast me hearties!!!! Iz had so much funz on Pirate Day dat Iz desided to be a pirate again fur Hallyween!!! (Also, my Momma iz gonna be da pirate too!!!! ) I shall protect herz and help plunder lotz a treasurez too!!! 

I haz a blog at The Kiaton Empire, and a Catster profile too!!!

Yao-Lin celebrates halloween in Style

HRH Yao-Lin xxx

Yao-Lin Celebrates Halloween in Style" height="270" width="480">

HRH Yao-Lin xx

Kirara might cast a spell...

When Momma told me she had gotten me a witch costume for Halloween this year, I must admit, I was a bit excited... UNTIL I saw my outfit. Don't get me wrong, I do think its very kyoot, but I really thought I would look more like Hermione.... Maybe I can still get into Hogworts after all...

Do you think I could learn a spell to turn crunchies into Temp tae shuns?

Stop by The Kiaton Empire to visitate my blog, or leave me a treat on my Catster profile!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Ready? Okay! It's DaisyMae!!! Whooo hoo!

The pom-pon girls at Mom's school gave me my furry own cheer 'cuz they like that my cheerleader outfit is in their school colors of navy, white an' red ... An' that I'm FIERCE!

So listen to my cheer ...



(claps paws)

Hey you! 
(claps twice)

What you gonna do? 
(shakes pom-pons)

(claps paws)

Hey you! 
(claps twice)

There's nothing you can do! 
(spread eagle)

'Cuz I'm gonna ... 

I'm gonna ... 

Whip up on you! 
(flings pom-pons into the air)

Shake that skirt ... 
(winks at Jake)

I've got my own furry excellent blog!  

You can visit me at DaisyMae Maus (and the Feline Americans) or you can leave me presents an' treats at my Catster page!

Vote for ME for best-est costume ... 

or Homecoming Queen ... 

I'm not picky! 
(waves at Jake an' blows kisses)

Feline American Schnicklefritz!

Although she doesn't have her furry own Catster page, here is Feline American Schnicklefritz as a super-scary Hallowe'en Spider!  Rhaaaaarrr!