Friday, October 31, 2008

And the winners are....

Pleeze join me in giving a BIG THANK YOO to the prize sponsers hoo came up with some creatively PAWSOME categories and prizes... and espeshully owr grrrate frend Grrreta who gave away $100 in prizes! Yoo rok!

Withowt further adoo, the winners are:

Monty Q Cat's Sweet Bean Prize goze to Rabbie Burns!!!!!!

In Jeter Harris' Best Costumed Squillion Category:
1st place: Sadie Katie
2nd place: Cosette as Skeezix
3rd place: Kneady as Nicky Kentucky
Emale Jeter [jeterharris AT optonline DOT net ] to git yer fabuluss prizes.

Daisy Mae Maus' Award for the Spiciest Vixin goes to: SAMOA!!!! PRIZE: A custum-painted squillion in the winner's image!

Daisy Mae Maus' Award for the Mancatliest Mancat goes to: PERCY!!!! PRIZE: A custum-painted squillion in the winner's image!

Grrreta gits a huge high-five for having sponsered THREE GRRRATE awards for the Funniest Costooms. Winners git thare choice of gift cards to Amazon, Petsmart or Petco. (Leeve a note in the comments feeld of this post wich yoo want.)
1st prize: Sparky Fuzzypants the PlayCat Bunny- $50 gift certificate (Sparky also gits a trophy frum me)
2nd prize: Percy Stephens the Percy Dog - $25 gift certificate.
3rd prize: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - $25 gift certificate.

HOTmBC has generussly agreed to give owt TWO "Best Blingie Costume" awards. They get handmade werks of blingie jewelry frum Mom Robyn! The winners are:

BEST BLINGY COSTOOM (PHOTO) WINNER is Maxie, In Touch with His Feminine Side. We love the sparkly bag to go with the boa, Maxie! You're definitely in touch with your feminine side.

BEST BLINGY COSTOOM (PHOTOSHOPPED) WINNER is Maggie and Zoey, The Queen & The Court Jester. Maggy and Zoey, you are just tha bling queens with that crown and sparkly jester suit.
The Make-Me-Ware-Anything-but-a-Smile and I'll-Skratch-Yer-Frikkin-Eyes-Owt Award for the best Photoshopped entry goes to Adan and Lego. (The award was a Whirlybird cat toy, but I don't think they ship outside the U.S., so we may have to do a substitoot.)

Angus Mohr's Best Homemade Costoom Award goze to Minchie! Minchie wins the 2009 Cute Overload Desk Calendar and the treet of his choice.

Hallmark Hall of Fame Award
for the Greeting-Card-Ready entry goes to Mercy! Mercy gets a $20 Shutterfly Gift Sertifikit!

The Nitro-S.-Pierce-Suk-up-to-the-Contest-Organizers Award goes to Cosette! Cosette wins a "Skeezy is my Homeboy" travel coffee mug or a pink Skeezy cap (her choice)

RayPod's "Pooped my Pants it was so Funny" Award goes to Goma! Goma yoo win a speshul surprize gift!

Best in Show Winner:
Minchie! Dunno if it was the grate wig, or the look on his face, but every time we see Minchie's entry, we are laffin an laffin. And many of yoo were, too, cuz he got a whopping 22% of the vote amung all 19 finulists. Minchie gits a Best Frends Sponsership AND a pink Skeezy cap AND a trophy! (Honorable Menshuns go to Adan and Lego, and Mercy)

And thare's no prize attacht to it, but I wunted to aknowledje Daisy Mae Maus as Miss Conjeeniality for not just waring that kyoot cheerleeder owtfit, but also looking so happy and cheerful wile she was waring it. Yer an inspirayshun, DMM! (And Rocky sez yoo were vary hot.)

And if thare had bin an award fur Best Fayshul Expresshuns, Sparky Fuzzypants and Goma wooda tied for that!


mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wutta grate contest!
wen i look at minchie i think "simple yet elokwint."
thank u skeez ... fer once again bringin da blogosphere an catster togedder fer a fun time.

ZOOLATRY said...

Congratulations winners, one and all...
and Minchie: well, we are 100% in agreement, you cannot look at that picture without a guffaw!
Great contest,
Great entries,
Great kitties -- ALL.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Congratulations to all the winners and Willow and I loved seeing all of the entries! We can't even think of words for Minchie's expression in his costume...maybe purrfect!

Thanks for another great Halloween Costoom Contest!

Happy Halloween
Purrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Willow said...

This was a wonderful contest and I especially want to thank Jeter Harris and Laffin an Laffin for sponsoring the Squillion Contest. Charlie and I had such fun dressing up and I want to thank everyone who voted for me!

Happy Halloween
Purrrrrrs, Sadie Katie the Squillion

Forever Foster said...

Concatulations to all! We really enjoyed being in the contest, and seeing the entries. There sure are some creative kitties out there! Skeezix, thankyou for organising such a fun time!:)

-Fui, Suey and Evie.

Daisy said...

Congratulations to all the winners! It was so much fun to see all the creative entries. Thanks for another great contest!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners, sponsors, and especially Skeezix for hosting such a great contest! It was pawsome as usual!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to all the winners! Thank you Skeezix, sponsors, and entrants for all the fun!


Chrissie said...

We're all laffin' and laffin' over here! It was a great contest, Skeezix, and we thank for for doin' such a great job puttin' it on and all.

Minchie is still crackin' us up with his mah-velous 'do and if he or his mom will email us at angusmhorATgmailDOTcom, we'd be real happy to send his award right out!


The Cats Stephens said...

OH MY CAT!!! TWO AWARDS!!! I'm so excited I can hardly meow! I always wanted a squillion and now I get one hand painted and it will look adorable like ME! And a gift certificate!!! Wow! I'm going to get it to Petsmart and buy a bunch of treats and eat them all myself!!!

Thank you Daisy Mae and Grrreta! I'm so excited!!!

Percy Stephens
thecatsstephens [at]

Monty Q. Kat said...

SweetBean likes Rabbie Burns!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Skeezy ... That was one of the pawesomest contests efurr.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

I can't tell you how surprised I was to be named one of the honored 19 finalists out of all of those excellent entries! Then when we woke up this morning to find out I'd won Best in Show! And to win Angus Mohr's Best Homemade Costoom category! It's just all too exciting! Thank you Skeezix, for everything you did to make this such a fun contest and for all the other contestants and their great entries. It was so hard to vote just once!

Minchie "The Donald"

Max said...

That was lots and lots and lots of fun...I like seeing OTHER kitties in costume...!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! I am so honored and excited to win a Blingy Award! Thank you Skeezix for sponsoring this!

All the contestants were pawsome - and we loved the Bunny Rabbit!



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Following the philosophy of pyramiding, what happens in this system is that you place a bet and if you come out a winner you re-invest the winnings on the next wager. So in horse racing, for example, you simply let it ride. Also, unlike the other betting systems, the Parlay System offers a lower amount of risk of all bettors for because they only need be concerned with a win, place or show selection or a combination thereof.
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The problem is, most people wouldn't know where to begin if they had to devise their own worthwhile Selection System, and those clever enough to be able to do so simply wouldn't have the time to do it (it is an arduous task). In fact, there are only two groups of people who do bother to spend the time and money to do so properly: (i) Bookies and (ii) sports tipsters. However, while you can be 100% sure that all Bookies operate a good Selection System (but they won't share it with you), you can be sure that 99% of so-called expert tipsters don't. The number of tipsters doing a proper job on the Internet can probably be counted on the fingers of just two hands.

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